Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lodging Law being tried Friday, January 21, 2011, at 1:30 pm in Department 2


Sleeping Outside at Night Deemed Illegal,

as Everywhere Else in Public

excerpt of article from Becky Johnson, One Woman Talking, on Blogspot

This Friday, following a flurry of briefs filed back and forth between the City and the District Attorney's office, the first major court hearing will be held this Friday, January 21st, 2011 at 1:30 PM in Department 2. The State anti-lodging law makes it illegal to "lodge" anywhere within the state boundaries absent a deed, a mortgage, a lease, a rental agreement, or a receipt for a local motel room. This is a misdemeanor which allows for immediate arrest and jailing.

Peace Camp 2o1o had been protesting the City of Santa Cruz' MC 6.36.010 section a also known as the Sleeping Ban, which is an infraction, when sheriff's surprised them by making arrests under the more serious, anti-lodging law.

Frey, representing himself, along with six other defendants including Gary Johnson and Collette Connally, two of Peace Camp 2010's most courageous protesters. Both are protesting the law which makes it a crime to sleep out of doors anywhere within the city limits outside of a home or motel room, outdoors or in a legally parked vehicle. A separate provision outlaws the use of a blanket at night even if the person remains wide awake.

Linda's Hearth
note: see more photos and rest of this article at Her photo above features my wonderful friend, Colette, getting awakened by the state, outside Santa Cruz County courthouse plaza.

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